“‘Eternity’ – this refers to Jerusalem”
(Talmud: Berachot 58a)

Jerusalem would not exist but for the human need for connection to the mystery of God.

If you only have one day to spend in Israel, spend it in Jerusalem. Feel the history at every turn. A heavy atmosphere permeates the city, an air of gravity distinctly lacking in coastal Tel Aviv, just an hour away.

Jerusalem sits above the Judean Desert and the views from Jerusalem’s Mt. of Olives toward the desert, the Jordan Valley and the Kingdom of Jordan in the distance are, for the uninitiated, sudden and breathtaking.

Jerusalem remains the key to understanding the three major monotheistic faiths. It has also physically expanded and now is home to over 820,000 people, Israelis and Arabs, Christians, Jews and Moslems.

The mountain air is clear as water
The scent of pines around
Is carried on the breeze of twilight,
And tinkling bells resound.

The trees and stones there softly slumber,
A dream enfolds them all.
So solitary lies the city,
And at its heart — a wall.

Oh, Jerusalem of gold, and of light and of
I am the lute for all your songs.

Three stanzas From JERUSALEM OF GOLD
by Naomi Shemer

